Posted on 10/30/2020

Contact Information: Ernie’s, Inc. Ernie Skillingstad Office: 360-456-6100 Email: [email protected] Monday, October 26, 2020 ERNIE'S INC. OFFICIALLY OPENS NEW RV REPAIR FACILITY IN OLYMPIA Completing the final touches during COVID, we have finally moved to our new location. Olympia, Washington -- Since 2013, Ernie Skillingstad and his family-owned business have provided high-quality recreational vehicle repair for motor homes and trailers that come from all over the West. Our company has grown in seven short years, and we started constructing our new building 2.5 years ago. As of today, we have officially moved into our new facility at 2600 21st Avenue SW in Olympia, and we cannot wait to share it with you! The entire team here at Ernie's Inc. is excited for what's to come. Even our work family is everything to us, and we can't wait to share what we have worked so hard for with ... read more
Posted on 10/21/2020

Fall. It’s the beginning; or end of the changing of the seasons. For us, Fall is just the beginning of the season's changes. Leaves begin to change to vibrant color and fall, the weather goes from warm nights to cold brisk mornings, and the holiday season starts. This Fall we are so blessed and thankful for all of the changes that are happening at Ernie’s, and we can't wait to share and take the journey with you. This Fall as the seasons change and the holiday’s begin, here are some ways to embrace, celebrate, and enjoy them. Halloween: October 31st This Halloween try trunk or treat… RV style. Dress up your RV, use props and transform your Motorhome or Trailer into Freinkenstien, a giant bat, or even a spaceship. You can get items to help you transform your RV like sheets, loose fabric, paper streamers, strobe lights, and fall items like straw, cornstalks, skeletons and so much more. What a way to make this year fun while staying safe. ThanksGiving: No ... read more
Posted on 5/20/2020
It's the beginning of the season, you have all your trips planned to the T. The days you have off, where you want to go, the route you want to take, the meals, and all the activities. The day of every trip is always the most stressful, last minute packing and all the little loose ends to tie up. You go to leave and Bam! You forgot something. Pre Trip Checklists are always a good thing to have when you're just starting out and even for a seasoned professional. Forgetting to hook up your lights, the safety pin, if your RV was plugged into an outlet, it has all happened before and hopefully never again. Sometimes you catch it, and other times it is a costly repair bill. Here is a generalized pre trip checklist that is a good guideline to follow. Safety items: Start with whatever you're hooking up to, for example a SUV to a trailer or an Rv to a tow car. Look at all your safety items and make sure they are connected and secure. Safety chains. These sho ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2020

Is that not the million dollar question, what RV is right for me? You have done all your research, explored RV shows, Travel and RV Magazines, looked at reviews online, looked at every avenue available to you and you're ready to pull the plug and buy a new RV. But is the RV that you did all that research on right for you? For this month, we have compiled some questions you should ask yourself while doing your research and exploring your RV options. First things first, have you decided if you want a motorized or non-motorized RV? What I mean by this is do you want the convenience of just jumping in, turning on the key and going; or is a Travel Trailer or 5th wheel more your cup of tea? Delving deeper into this topic would be asking yourself what equipment do you have already? If you want to drive an RV, do you want to tow a vehicle behind it so you can go places, do you have a vehicle that is capable of being towed? Or if you prefer towing Travel Trailers and 5th Wheels do ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2020

Spring is a time we all look forward to fun and adventure. A road trip in your RV is just what the family needs! Here is a list of amazing experiences awaiting you on your spring break journey: Olympic National Park As one of the most popular national parks in the USA, Olympic National Park is a hot spot for outdoor lovers, and for a good reason. There are glaciers in the mountains, a coastline that is lush and rugged with a temperate rainforest. The sights are incredible. Whale Watching on the Oregon Coast Just a little south of us is a fantastic sight in spring. Pods of grey whales are on their migration trek north up to Alaska. Plan your late March trip to the Oregon coast and be prepared to hang onto your bootstraps, because the sights of these majestic creatures are sure to blow you away! Washington State Parks for free in March? Yes! Washington State Parks offers two free days in their parks between Ma ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2020

One of the best aspects of owning an RV is that you can create romance on the fly and what is more romantic than looking up into a star-filled sky? Pull up to almost any beach location at sunset, add a favorite beverage, and you have the perfect recipe for an evening full of romance. As we head into the romance month, we’d love to share with you some great RV spots not too far from home. Ernie’s Inc. in Olympia is here to take care of the details of your RV so you can focus on getting to a place that lights up your romance factor by ten! Fort Stevens State Park: Make sure to check out Peter Iredale Shipwreck, the Columbia River Maritime Museum, and the Astoria Column (for the best romantic views of the coastline!) The Waterfront at Potlatch: Great scene ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2020

We are used to making New Year’s resolutions for ourselves that usually have to do with self-improvement. While utilizing our RV helps with that, it’s not always obvious that it does. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of ways that your RV can help make your 2020 an even better place to be. Take more trips: We can always come up with excuses not to go, but once we get out there, there’s nothing better than getting away. Look for reasons to go instead of the opposite. Keep your RV in good working condition so you’re always ready to go. You don’t have to plan out every trip, instead, throw in some spontaneous trips too. Explore new places: As creatures of habit, we tend to go back to places we’ve been before. This year make an effort to go places that you’ve never been to. It stretches your comfort zone and adds to the list of wonderful places you’ve visited. Get off the beaten path - get off the grid ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2019
There are an incredible amount of places to take your trailer or RV, but there are some spots that just can’t be beat. Quite a few of those places lie on the West Coast, and if you haven’t been there or considered it, you are missing out. Whether it’s Cape Flattery, the Northwestern most point of the contiguous United States, or by the sunny beaches of Southern California, there is a spot that is just waiting for you to experience. 1.Hobuck campground, Cape Flattery, WA The most Northwestern point of the contiguous United States provides gorgeous views whether the day is stormy or clear and breezy. This gorgeous part of the country is managed by the Makah Tribe. The Hobuck Campground is the place to be with your RV or trailer, and you’ll find there is a lot to do during your stay. A fairly accessible hike provides you the opportunity to venture to that precious point to overlook the Pacific Ocean, a check off the bucket list. This is a wonderful place to bring t ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2019
Now that we are officially in the holiday season, this is the time of year we like to reflect on all the things we are thankful for. You see, this business of ours is a true passion. We have been longtime fans of Recreational Vehicles. We love the freedom that RVs and trailers provide us when we want to go exploring. In this month’s blog, we want to show five reasons why we give thanks this year for our RVs and Trailers. Affordable travel options. We have a large family, and as it continues to grow, we are super grateful for our RVs and trailers. Have you seen the cost of airline tickets lately? For the same amount of money it takes to fly two people to a destination, we can load up the whole family and go on an adventure. Trailers and motorhomes certainly offer affordable travel options, and for that, we are grateful. Quality time with family. Speaking of family, we love spending quality time with them. If we were to plan a vacation that incl ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2019

Just because summer is over doesn’t mean the RV has to be left out of all the Halloween season’s spooky fun! Whether you’re in an RV park, touring the States, or into spooky camping, there are some fun tips and tricks to getting your RV ready for the season. When it’s time to decorate your RV for Halloween, dig into the decorations that you already have at home and build from there. Make sure to include pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns. Now, since you many be moving your RV around, carved pumpkins may not be the most long-lasting decoration, but there are still ways to have fun with pumpkins without carving. There are many kits out there that are meant for pumpkin painting! This extends the life of your pumpkins while allowing for easy repositioning inside or outside with the same amount of creativity put in. Many folks like to have string lights around the outside and inside of their RVs, and a simple way to switch it up for Halloween season is to find yourse ... read more