Is that not the million dollar question, what RV is right for me? You have done all your research, explored RV shows, Travel and RV Magazines, looked at reviews online, looked at every avenue available to you and you're ready to pull the plug and buy a new RV. But is the RV that you did all that research on right for you? For this month, we have compiled some questions you should ask yourself while doing your research and exploring your RV options.
First things first, have you decided if you want a motorized or non-motorized RV? What I mean by this is do you want the convenience of just jumping in, turning on the key and going; or is a Travel Trailer or 5th wheel more your cup of tea?
Delving deeper into this topic would be asking yourself what equipment do you have already? If you want to drive an RV, do you want to tow a vehicle behind it so you can go places, do you have a vehicle that is capable of being towed? Or if you prefer towing Travel Trailers and 5th Wheels do you have a vehicle that can tow them? In the RV industry there are so many great resources to help you with finding if you have the right vehicle for the job. Remco Towing will help you find out if you have a vehicle that's able to be towed behind a RV, while B&W is a great place to figure out what your vehicle is rated to tow. Now these are not hard guidelines and you should always consult your owners manual but they will definitely point you in the right direction.
The second question you should ask is how many people will be traveling with you? Is it going to be just you, your whole family, maybe you plan on having guests stay with you. Whatever the case may be there is nothing more uncomfortable than not enough space for everyone, or even the right kind of space for everyone (if you're camping with mostly adults, bunk beds, especially smaller bunk beds might not be very comfortable).
The last is not so fun but maybe the most important question would be what is your budget? Being able to afford to buy your RV is one thing, but how about the unexpected fixes, or the not so fun maintenance of your new investment. When it comes to a Motorhome vs. Trailers, Motorhomes hands down have more to maintain. Motorhomes have the “coach” (or the vehicle) and the “house” (everything else), Travel Trailers fall under the “house” part of maintenance. Though it is not fun to have your RV serviced and the maintenance done on a regular basis, it is the best way to know that while you’re traveling that you, and those who are with you and around you will be safe and secure.
What RV is right for me? Everyone is different, and how you plan on traveling and using your new RV will be different than others. While this list hopefully helps guide you to your new dream RV, we at Ernie’s are here to help you have fun! Contact us for any questions you have about your dream RV and we will be happy to help you.