Fall. It’s the beginning; or end of the changing of the seasons. For us, Fall is just the beginning of the season's changes. Leaves begin to change to vibrant color and fall, the weather goes from warm nights to cold brisk mornings, and the holiday season starts. This Fall we are so blessed and thankful for all of the changes that are happening at Ernie’s, and we can't wait to share and take the journey with you. This Fall as the seasons change and the holiday’s begin, here are some ways to embrace, celebrate, and enjoy them.
Halloween: October 31st
This Halloween try trunk or treat… RV style. Dress up your RV, use props and transform your Motorhome or Trailer into Freinkenstien, a giant bat, or even a spaceship. You can get items to help you transform your RV like sheets, loose fabric, paper streamers, strobe lights, and fall items like straw, cornstalks, skeletons and so much more. What a way to make this year fun while staying safe.
ThanksGiving: November 26th
When I think of ThanksGiving, I think of family and togetherness. Enjoying time together is time well spent when it is with people you love, and a way to keep with that feeling of togetherness is having your family stay with you. What better way than to have them stay in your RV. You can make your RV feel like home with Fall scented air diffusers, Air Wick and other brands make battery operated diffusers that are safer to keep in your RV while unattended. Fun Fall throw pillows and throw blankets will bring the homey feeling to their “home away from home” for the holidays, and you can stock up on some holiday favorite snacks and drinks for them while there. Keep a list of Do’s and Don'ts somewhere in your RV, for things like not using household toilet paper rather than the thinner RV toilet paper, or how many appliances (ie. Hair Dryers) can they run at one time, and how to use items like your water pump, stove or heater.
Winter Solstice: December 21st
As Fall changes to Winter, the weather in the Pacific Northwest is going to get colder and icyer, and road and pass conditions are constantly going to change. Some basic emergency supplies to keep in your car and RV are:
Whether you are traveling to be with loved ones or they are traveling to come see you here are some good resources for traveling through the PNW:
We are grateful for your support and we at Ernie’s are here for you. We want you to have a happy, and safe beginning to your holiday season and can’t wait to share with you the changes that are happening for us this season!